Are we the right fit?

A Crossroads Vedic Astrology consultation is ideal if…

You’re looking to make a major career change and need some insight and guidance.

You’ve found yourself at a crossroads in life and are unsure about the next steps.

You would like a career that better aligns with your true self, talents and skills.

You would like to start a business or transform a hobby into a career and need to know if this makes sense.

You’re thinking about going to school or receiving further training and want insight on this choice.

You are already running a business and want insight into your ideal branding and target audience.

You have unhealthy patterns in relationships you would like to address and transform.

You are estranged from loved ones and seek reconnection, or healing and closure.

You are looking for love and need guidance for choosing better partners.

You would like transform your mental suffering, such as anxiety, depression, or low self esteem.

You are open to suggestions and insights, even if they aren’t exactly what you want to hear.

You are open to Vedic remedy suggestions and committed to put in the work they may require.

A Crossroads Vedic astrology consultation is nOT ideal if…

You are looking for a quick fix or magical solution to your issues.

You just want tips for how to find your soulmate or get rich quick.

You are not open to hearing insights from your chart that do not confirm what you want to hear.

You are not willing to work with any suggestions for healing and transforming your negative karma.

You want an absolute guarantee that our work together will solve all your issues.

You want your career or relationship to improve, but you’re not really willing to change.

You’re just looking to vent or want confirmation that you are the victim.

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